Developer Groups

Meetups and groups in the Syracuse area

Weekend hackathons held twice a year (Fall & Spring) where developers, designers, engineers and innovators from across Upstate New York come to Syracuse, NY, to share ideas, form teams, build projects, and win awesome prizes in 24 hours

Each event has a learning and interactive portion. Whether you’re an experienced JavaScript programmer or just getting started, we welcome and encourage all proficiency levels. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month


A casual meetup based around developer side-projects. OpenHack Syracuse happens on the second Tuesday of every month at Syracuse Coworks


Monthly workshops that give people a chance to work on a project or work through an online curriculum at their own pace. Each workshop will have at least one mentor to provide support and answer questions. Although this group is geared towards women, anyone is welcome to attend our classes


Hey you! If you'd like to start a meetup in Syracuse, please reach out to the organizers at We're happy to connect you with community members who might be interested in attending.

You're also welcome to invite your members to join slack, and coordinate events through this site.

As well, for other events we've hosted not in one of these particular groups, visit the Other Events Listing